The Cultural Festival Concert 毛利與中國多元文化音樂會
The Music Association of Auckland supported The Cultural Festival Concert hosted by Auckland Museum – 14 Sep 2014.
Music served as a bridge of friendship, it has became the ties of mutual appreciation and understanding of different ethnic and culture, The charm of music, their love and dedication that make them come together. This concert aim to celebrate Maori and Chinese culture, thanks to The Auckland Museum Executives: Linnae Pohatu [Maori Projects & Development Director], David Reeves [Director, Collections & Research], Toni Mackinnon [Manager of Learning & Engagement] and Johnny Hui [Family & Early Year Programmer, Event Organiser], their appreciation and respect to our culture are phenomenal, “singing bind groups together, show solidarity and communicate the emotion and feeling of an occasion which can add greatly to the simple spoken word.” Said Linnae Pohato. Auckland Museum Event Organiser Johnny Hui demonstrated superior ability, his wisdom and good attitude that has created a happy collaboration along the way. Mr. Niu Qing Bao - The Consul General of PR China, Mr. Zhang He Qing – The Culture Consul of PR China both presented at the concert have highly commented that this event enhanced the delivery of social and cultural value in our community. The President Iris Cheng is the soul of MAA, her charm, her talent and hard work are the keys to the success of their 12 years of establishment in Auckland. Gratitude to The Music Director / Conductor Fang Ni, her tireless effort in training and performing, the committee and singing members are also the important factors to the accomplishment of all their concerts.
奧克蘭音樂協會 與 奧克蘭博物館 “毛利與中國多元文化音樂會” 圓滿成功 - 2014年9月14日
音樂架起了友谊的橋樑,也成了不同民族和文化互相欣赏、彼此了解的纽带。音樂的無窮魅力以及對它的熱愛和執著讓他們聚集一起。這個音樂會令人難忘、餘音缭繞。 大家感謝奥克蘭博物馆管理層Linnae Pohatu、David Reeves及Toni Mackinnon,對不同民族的文化欣赏、尊重,音樂會其間特别能感受到博物馆朋友們對這塲音樂會的重视,每周他們在百忙中抽出寶贵時間練習歌唱,特別是中國民歌《茉莉花》的排練。一直致力於不同文化、藝術交流的博物馆年輕才俊Johnny Hui 是名副其實的文化大使,他展现了超强的能力和非凡智慧,工作態度顯示了高尚氣質及良好的修養,使大家合作愉快 。中國驻奥克蘭總领事牛清報先生、文化领事张可清先生以及不同民族和社會各界朋友們的光臨,為音樂會增色添彩。 總领事牛清報先生给予音樂會高度的評價。奥克蘭音樂協會團長Iris Cheng是MAA的靈魂人物,她的魅力、個人人格和才華是奠定MAA十幾年歷程的關键。 感谢MAA音樂總監/指揮方妮、全體成员以及音樂會工作者,他們是音樂會成功的重要因素。